
Radiology Tech: How Education, Experience, and Location Affect Pay

In the ever-evolving healthcare industry, the role of a radiology tech is pivotal. These professionals, armed with their skills and knowledge, play a crucial part in patient diagnosis and care. But what does the radiology tech salary look like for these healthcare heroes?

The radiology tech salary can be influenced by a myriad of factors. From geographical location to years of experience, each aspect can significantly impact earnings. In this article, we’ll delve into these factors and provide a comprehensive view of a radiology tech salary potential.

Radiology Tech Salary

Delving deeper into the financial aspect of this role provides a clear idea about a radiology tech’s income.

Factors Influencing a Radiology Tech Salary


Numerous elements contribute to the variations in a radiology tech salary. For starters, academic qualifications play a vital role. Those possessing an associate degree may earn differently from those holding bachelor’s degrees or further certification in radiology, examples include certified radiology administrator (CRA) or registered radiologic technologist (RRT) certifications.

Experience also tends to have a marked effect on income.

Another significant facet is geographic location. Radiology techs situated in major cities or states where demand for healthcare services is high, such as New York or California, often earn higher salaries. In contrast, those working in rural areas or regions with lower demand may earn less radiology tech salary.

Lastly, the type of healthcare setting can also impact a radiology tech’s salary. Those employed in specialized hospitals or diagnostic centers often receive more income than those in general hospitals or outpatient care centers.

Average Radiology Tech Salary in the US

In the United States, the median annual wage stood at $60,510 in May 2020, as per the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. However, the highest 10 percent earned more than $89,760, while the lowest 10 percent earned less than $41,480. These figures exemplify the wide income range for radiology tech salary, emphasizing the influence of the aforementioned factors.

It’s crucial to remember that these are averages, and individual earnings can fluctefully depending on an individual’s qualifications, experience, location, and work setting. Accompanied by these figures, the career’s balance of challenging and rewarding work makes it an attractive option for those looking to have a positive impact within the healthcare industry.

A Breakdown of Radiology Tech Salary by State


A deeper examination of radiology tech salary across the United States reveals disparities among different states. Geographic location plays a significant role in the potential radiology tech salary. Here’s a detailed breakdown of radiology tech salary by state, focusing on the states offering the highest pay and comparing the salaries across key states.

There’s a stark contrast in the compensation that radiology techs receive nationwide. For instance, California tops the list as the highest paying state in the US with an average annual radiology tech salary of $86,120 for radiology techs, according to data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS). Other high-paying states include Hawaii, where radiology tech salary is an average of $82,680 per year, and the District of Columbia, boasting an annual mean radiology tech salary of $79,430.

– In California, the average annual radiology tech salary is $86,120.

– In Hawaii, radiology techs report an annual mean wage of $82,680.

– The District of Columbia offers an average radiology tech salary salary of $79,430 per year.

Need To Know About Radiology Tech Salary

Radiology tech salary doesn’t just hinge on education and experience. It’s also greatly influenced by the state you’re working in. The data shows California as the leader, boasting the highest average yearly radiology tech salary. On the other hand, states like Alabama and Texas offer lower average salaries. The disparities across regions underline the crucial role of location, healthcare budgets, and cost of living in determining a radiology tech’s financial compensation.